Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013

Inquiry letter of English Business Letter

Definition: a letter of request, also known as a letter of the candidate or a letter of interest, will be sent to the companies. A letter of request is a letter from the prospective buyer to the seller that it asked for information on the products offered. With offers from prospective buyers later sellers will know the price, as well as buying and selling, and a description of the goods or services to be purchased. This was the purpose of the prospective buyer to write a letter request to the seller. When prospective buyers know the condition of the goods/services below the price and terms of sale and purchase, of course he no longer need to request quotes from vendors. The letter requests a quote is required in formal trade demand official procedures in writing. The letter requests often is the initial stage of the process of business transactions. By mail request a quote or ask the prospective buyer asks for a description of the goods or services to be bought. As reaksin.

Sample Inquiry letter
On example, a letter below there are several the part to be included, and become one the form of a letter price list, as with a request and then there are sample of the of product which was asked, in the form of a booklet , after there is also the process of supply of goods to be ordered in the future, and to be stated also request information from terms of payment, terms of delivery, and method of transport. In the writing of letters below wearing a kind of writing “SEMI BLOCK”,  And following the example of the letter to:

PT Anymous Electronics
JL. Mangga Dua NO. 32 Jakarta
Zip Code 13245 Ph. (027) 554 678, Fax (027) 678 345,
Bankers: BNI, BCA

Maret 11, 2013

Designation. Director CV SONY ELEKTRIKA
JL. Gajah Mada No. 107 E
Dear Sirs,

With this we inform you that our company would like to develop business in the field of electronic equipment, especially electronic equipment televisions, washing machines, and refrigerators.

With the increase in customers in our company are soaring rapidly, so we want to offer our cooperation so that the company can meet the demands of consumers, which are mainly electronic goods that have brand SONY.

In this regard, we would ask you to send the price list of electronic devices that have the brand SONY to us and if there is a sample of the products that you have we asked for Plavix in the form of brochures and asked to be attached. In addition we ask for particulars of:
1. payment terms,
2. delivery terms,
3. how to send the goods,
4. nature of the offer
5. pieces are given, and
6. other information relating to the terms of the sale of goods, including VAT and MPO.

So our request, for your attention and we thank you in the future we can work together. Furthermore, can immediately make an offer price in order to determine how much money will we spend later at the time of bidding takes place.


Director PT. Anymous Electronics

Besides here i want to add some examples certificate like the example letter from a priced list; certificate example, product letter from bidding, and certificate payment.

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